The most prominent—and most divulged by the DocuSign name—feature of the world’s most trusted leader in its respective space is the quick, effortless, and intuitive sending of electronic signatures and approvals. The ability to send documents and have your customers sign and return them within a matter of minutes makes DocuSign—especially when integrated with a document automation system—an extremely efficient solution. But there’s good reason that DocuSign has eclipsed 85 million users worldwide. It provides so much more than just electronic signatures and approvals. Here are the five other DocuSign features that, when combined with a document automation system, can help your firm improve its efficiency, cut costs, and eliminate onerous tasks that come with manually drafting documents.


The other root word alluded to in the DocuSign name, but perhaps the one that receives lesser attention, is documents. DocuSign offers a variety of features that make documents both widely accessible and widely compatible—two underappreciated features that make the process that much easier when automating documents.


Don’t just settle for automating your documents, automate your business logic. You can integrate DocuSign with other applications to pre-populate forms, both saving you time and reducing the risk of human error. Still not overly petrified of human error hurting your business? These alarming statistics, culled from the tax and accounting industry, may change your mind.


DocuSign’s robust reporting feature makes it easier for users and administrators to view information about their account. With real-time access and extensible scheduled reporting, your business statistics are always easily accessible.


The electronic signatures on DocuSign are legally binding and accepted globally, for most business transactions. Ensuring compliance is important for any type of business—regardless of size—and can be enhanced by implementing a document automation system. By integrating DocuSign with a document automation system, the assurance of compliance will only increase—giving you peace of mind.


By encrypting and making every single document tamper-evident, DocuSign can be trusted to protect even your most highly confidential information. DocuSign’s authentication options, which ensure that your documents have non-repudiation in a court of law, help prove that your signers are who they claim to be at the time of signing.

Though prominently regarded as the world’s most trusted global service for digital transactions, a claim backed by over 85 million users, DocuSign brings even more to the table. As separate parts, DocuSign and a document automation system can provide an abundance of benefits to your firm. When implemented simultaneously, the two entities can work together to enable your firm to complete work faster, save you money, and increase your efficiency, productivity, and compliance. To learn more about the benefits offered by integrating DocuSign with a document automation system, contact one of our expert consultants today.

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