For law firms of any size, document automation is the most cost-effective, efficient, and accurate method for creating legal documents and forms. Automation will save you time, money, and the possibility of introducing human errors into your documents. With such clear-cut benefits, implementing a document automation system should be a no-brainer for any business. Nevertheless, business people today are still hesitant to deploy document automation software. Don’t let either of these document automation fallacies prevent you from saving your firm time and money.

Misconception #1: The documents I work with are too complex for document automation.

The perceived complexity of a document is largely due to how many external applications or programs need to be used to compile all the necessary information. On one hand you have to retrieve all financial information from an Excel spreadsheet, on the other you must pull any client details or contact information from a CRM system. When performed manually, this can undoubtedly lead to a seriously complex process for creating your documents. When document automation software is brought into the fold, automatically producing such documents with ease, efficiency, and accuracy, does it still seem like a multifaceted process? Document automation seamlessly pulls information from all necessary sources—regardless of how many there may be—eliminating the need for cutting and pasting.

Misconception #2: It is impractical to implement a document automation system into my existing processes.

Many firms operate under the misconception that implementing document automation software into their existing processes will be too expensive. The initial cost of implementing a document automation system can be a daunting figure in the eyes of some. However, the ROI—in terms of productivity, efficiency, and accuracy—far outweighs the cost of the initial investment.

Still not sold on document automation’s potential ROI? Or, do you want to see how much your firm is actually saving by automating your legal documents? Do the math with the HotDocs ROI calculator.

If you are looking to increase your firm’s productivity and efficiency, as well as save money in the long run, automating your legal documents is a great place to start. Don’t let these misconceptions influence your appraisal of document automation. Get in touch with one of our consultants today for assistance implementing a document automation system at your firm.

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